
The Benefits of Magnesium

What is magnesium & why do we need it?! Magnesium is an essential mineral. It is required for 800 enzymatic reactions in the body. It’s needed to form ATP, to activate ATP, to activate vitamin D, to make DNA, RNA, and protein and to help prevent DNA breakdown. It’s also needed for healthy blood pressure, heart rhythm, heart…

The Reason…

What is your Why?! Why are you choosing the sport you do?! I like to call it… Chasing my Dragon! Your reason could be to beat depression or because of a dear friend battling cancer, it could be much simpler and be because you love being outdoors smelling the roses… what matters is that YOU…

Post Workout Nutrition…Why Bother?

Why don’t you shoot yourself in the foot…I mean that literally!  If you do not focus on nutrition to fuel the most important part of the training process…why are you even training!? Performance improvement/progression depends on a program of exercises (triathlon & strength training plan) that stimulates cardiovascular and muscular adaptation/improvement – followed by a…

Electrolyte Supplementation for Endurance Athletes

Electrolyte supplementation is equally important to Calorie intake & control when competing in any endurance event. Weather factors on race/training day plays a big role, plus carefully consider what the rest of your nutrition plan holds!  Especially if the weather will be hot or much hotter than what you are used to train in. Electrolytic…